
Game Ready


What is Game Ready?

Game Ready is the first-ever sports injury and post-op recovery device of its kind features innovative, patented ACCEL® Technology (Active Compression and Cold Exchange Loop), enabling the integrated delivery of continuous cold and intermittent pneumatic compression therapies to decrease pain and swelling, reduce muscle spasms, enhance lymphatic function, encourage cellular oxygen supply, and stimulate tissue repair.

The system progressively increases and releases pressure while also rapidly circulating ice water through separate wrap chambers. The ACCEL Technology mimics natural muscle contractions while cooling the tissue, helping the body to proactively aid lymphatic function, encourage cellular oxygen supply, and stimulate tissue repair. That is, it helps accelerate and enhance recovery.

Our innovative care strategies at Comprehensive Orthopedic Physical Therapy will help you find quick relief.

Why is Game Ready special?

Utilizing the Game Ready system, Comprehensive Orthopedic Physical Therapy Therapists can do more than treat symptoms. It is a new standard in non-narcotic musculoskeletal injury pain relief and accelerated healing, which results in improved outcomes for patients and greater care satisfaction for providers.

Contact us today!

Our physical therapy clinic in Somerset, NJ stays up-to-date on the latest technology to ensure we provide our patients with the most effective treatment possible. Request an appointment today with Comprehensive Orthopedic Physical Therapy to utilize the Game Ready system for recovery.

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!